Diabetic nephropathy, also known as diabetic kidney disease, is the chronic loss of kidney function occurring in those with diabetes mellitus. Diabetic nephropathy is the leading causes of chronic kidney disease (CKD) and end-stage renal disease (ESRD) globally. The triad of protein leaking into the urine (proteinuria or albuminuria), rising blood pressure with hypertension and then falling renal function is common to many forms of CKD.
Early in the course of the disease, patients are often asymptomatic and are diagnosed during screening with levels of 30 to 300 mg/g creatinine. Once nephropathy sets in, patients present with fatigue, foamy urine (urine protein greater than 3.5 g per day), and pedal edema.
We, at Indus Diabetes and Obesity Centre provide Instant Microalbumin Test which detects Microalbuminuria and is early Indicator of Nephropathy.
This helps in Screening and Identification of patients at risk of developing Diabetic Nephropathy and thereby prevent the same by maintaining optimum Blood Sugar and Blood Pressure.